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Cofidis Slovaquie
Taking financing seriously
Since 2004, Cofidis Slovakia has been providing its customers with financing solutions for purchasing vehicles, consumer credit for the purchase of goods and/or services in instalments from commercial partners, and revolving loans.
It plans to grow as a specialist in the online sale of financial products and services.
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“Courir pour Toit” and the Bratislava marathon: team-building sports challenges for our employees
This spring, two sport events, "Courir pour Toit" and the Bratislava marathon, gave our employees the opportunity to experience intense moments of sharing and solidarity, while embodying the values...
Challenge Group #DigitalCleanupDay: a digital cleanup for a more responsible spring
To celebrate World Digital Clean-up Day, Cofidis Group organized an internal challenge from March 11 to 15. The aim of the challenge was to raise awareness among the 5,700...
A tour of Cofidis Group 2024 annual meetings in Europe
The year 2024 kicks off at Cofidis Group with the launch of our internal conventions, annual gatherings that bring our employees together around our shared values and ambitions.