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Campus Cofidis Group France


The renovation of our campus in France is initiated

Renovating the Cofidis Group campus in France is above all the physical realization of the group's transformation project. It's an ambitious project that will start in 2020 in line with our #LikeMyPlanet environmental approach, a project built together thanks to collective intelligence!

Towards a new modern and innovative campus

Built in Villeneuve d’Ascq (France) in the 2000s, the Cofidis Group campus in France is being renovated to improve the comfort of its 2,500 employees, meet the needs of new collaborative working methods and give the workspaces a new look. Renovating the campus of Cofidis France, Creatis, Monabanq and SynerGIE is a major project that will take several years to complete. The campus now consists of 8 buildings and it is estimated that each building will require approximately 8 months of work. Starting with the oldest buildings, the heating and air conditioning systems are being modernized before the layout of each open space, materials and colors are reviewed. The objective is to create new types of spaces that are more in line with the new collaborative working methods of our teams and our CSR commitments; bright, comfortable, functional and user-friendly spaces.

A response to the group's collaboration, innovation and CSR challenges

The transformation of the group through the implementation of new work habits, the optimization of current modes of collaboration and the care given to our employees, also requires equipment adapted to each situation of the life of the employees on the campus. Working groups made up of employees and experts are considering each of these aspects to find the most appropriate solutions and to create a campus that reflects our personality, where everyone can take ownership of the functions and uses. These are all key factors that will promote the well-being of employees and the attractiveness of the group for its future talent.