“Courir pour Toit” and the Bratislava marathon: team-building sports challenges for our employees
This spring, two sport events, "Courir pour Toit" and the Bratislava marathon, gave our employees the opportunity to experience intense moments of sharing and solidarity, while embodying the values of team spirit, surpassing oneself and determination.
Challenge Group #DigitalCleanupDay: a digital cleanup for a more responsible spring
To celebrate World Digital Clean-up Day, Cofidis Group organized an internal challenge from March 11 to 15. The aim of the challenge was to raise awareness among the 5,700 employees of the Group's 12 subsidiaries about digital pollution and the ecological footprint of their digital uses.
A tour of Cofidis Group 2024 annual meetings in Europe
The year 2024 kicks off at Cofidis Group with the launch of our internal conventions, annual gatherings that bring our employees together around our shared values and ambitions.
A top festival to relaunch and deploy our Missions Booster
For two days on 13 and 14 November, the Cofidis Group campus in France hosted another edition of the Missions Booster Festival. This unique event highlighted Cofidis Group's commitment, solidarity and desire to make a positive impact.
November at Cofidis Group in France: It’s all about diversity!
This November at Cofidis Group in France, diversity takes on its full glory, illuminating our actions and commitments. From the recognition of our LGBT+ Role Model to solidarity actions against breast cancer, to our significant involvement in the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities, let's dive into a vibrant story that reflects [...]
Cofidis Group supports the Fondation Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale
In a constantly changing world, marked by increasingly pressing social and environmental challenges, we believe it is essential for businesses to play an active role in building a fairer and more sustainable society. At Cofidis Group, we are proud to actively support the Fondation Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale.
40 years = 40 associations boosted
On the occasion of its 40th anniversary, Cofidis France is launching a new solidarity program to support 40 associations in its territory: Missions Booster!
Overturn the stereotype projected onto disabled people at Cofidis Group
Temporary or permanent disability, slight or severe: Cofidis Group is committed in a concrete way to diversity and disability in order to position itself as a welcoming disabled group, in complete accordance with its #Like inclusion approach.
With Solfa, Cofidis Group acts for women in situation of exclusion
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Cofidis Group wishes to highlight its commitment to women and its pride in having supported the association Solfa SOLidarité Femmes Accueil this year.
For National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cofidis Group is working alongside the association Coaching suspendu.
Because women represent 67% of the group's head office employees and several employees have already been affected by this disease, Cofidis Group is committed to National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
An interest-free loan for employees in need
With the health crisis, some employees may have experienced more difficult financial situations (unemployed spouse, separation, etc.). To assist them in these critical moments, the group's French entities have set up an interest-free loan offer in June 2021.
Creatis starts with the tele-skills sponsorship!
Solidarity has always been a value defended by Creatis. Today, Creatis wants to go forward starting with the tele-skills sponsorship.