“Courir pour Toit” and the Bratislava marathon: team-building sports challenges for our employees
This spring, two sport events, "Courir pour Toit" and the Bratislava marathon, gave our employees the opportunity to experience intense moments of sharing and solidarity, while embodying the values of team spirit, surpassing oneself and determination.
A top festival to relaunch and deploy our Missions Booster
For two days on 13 and 14 November, the Cofidis Group campus in France hosted another edition of the Missions Booster Festival. This unique event highlighted Cofidis Group's commitment, solidarity and desire to make a positive impact.
November at Cofidis Group in France: It’s all about diversity!
This November at Cofidis Group in France, diversity takes on its full glory, illuminating our actions and commitments. From the recognition of our LGBT+ Role Model to solidarity actions against breast cancer, to our significant involvement in the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities, let's dive into a vibrant story that reflects [...]
An escape game to raise awareness of disabilities
Cofidis Group called on its employees’ creative instincts in the creation of a fun and collaborative escape game that increases awareness of disabilities.
Cofidis Group supports COVID-19 research
The Institut Pasteur de Lille became a recognised public-interest organisation in 1898. It is a financially and legally independent private foundation working each day to ensure we live better for longer.
Cofidis France supports the Jardin de Cocagne and the long-term unemployed
The network welcomes and provides work for the long-term unemployed. The Group’s employees are also involved in initiatives to support the long-term unemployed.
Deafi: inclusive services for people who are deaf or hearing-impaired
France have been using video customer advisers from Deafi, who act as sign language interpreters for customers who are deaf or hearing-impaired.
Cofidis Group: committed to tackling the health crisis
90% of Group employees had sufficient remote working access and employees who remained on-site benefitted from safer working conditions.